Expired Vacancies



The Department of Public Enterprises, Private Bag X15, Hatfield, 0028 or hand deliver at 80 Hamilton Street, Arcadia, Pretoria 0007 or by email stated under each post.


FOR ATTENTION: Human Resources

CLOSING DATE: 17 February 2023



Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Department will request certified copies of Qualifications and other relevant documents from the shortlisted candidates only which may be submitted to HR on or before the day of the interview. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to screening and security vetting to determine the suitability of a person for employment. All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise and identified candidates for competency assessment. A pre-entry certificate obtained from National School of Government (NSG) is required for all SMS applications. The department reserves the right not to fill these positions Failure to submit the requested documents will result in your application not being considered. The department reserves the right not to fill these positions. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply and preference will be given to candidates that will contribute to the department’s EE Targets.


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Corporate Services



R1 308 051 per annum (Level 14), all-inclusive salary package), consisting of a Basic salary of 70% and 30% flexible portion that can be structured according to the individual’s personal needs.






Applicants must be in possession a relevant undergraduate qualification at NQF level 7 as recognized by SAQA in one of the following fields, Human Resources or Public Management / Administration. At least 5 years appropriate human resource management experience at a senior managerial level. Experience in Security and Facilities management will be an added advantage. The following key competencies and attributes are essential: Knowledge of legislations, regulations, frameworks, etc. pertaining to Public Administration, specifically the Public Service Act and Regulations, BCEA, Skills Development Act, Public Finance Management Act, Employment Equity Act and Labour Relations Act. Understanding of Public Service and Human Resources in general. Good communication skills (oral and written). Knowledge of PERSAL. Must be computer literate. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to work independently and in a team. Good administrative, people management and empowerment skills. Proven strategic capability and leadership competencies. Planning and organizational skills. Problem solving and decision-making skills.



  • Manage and direct the provisioning of human resource strategy, policy, systems development and planning services: Develop and maintain an appropriate human resource management governance structure for the department, including the management of risks, implementation of mitigation mechanisms and establishment of internal control measures
  • Manage the Transformation agenda of the Department (gender mainstreaming, disability management, employment equity)
  • Analyse management reports, identify emerging trends and initiate pro-active measures to minimise the impact thereof on the operations of the Department
  • Manage and direct the development and maintenance of departmental human resource management instruments ensuring alignment to the provisions of the Public Service Act (PSA), Public Service Regulations (PSR) and collective agreements including forecasting of the department’s human resource (HR) requirements to deliver on strategic objectives
  • The development and maintenance of the prescribed Human Resource Plan to ensure that the department has the right number of people, with the right composition and competencies in the right place and at the right time
  • The setting of an implementation strategy and performance indicators for the HR Plan; analysis of national policy imperatives and the operationalization thereof
  • The development and maintenance of policies, delegations and standard operational procedures
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the impact of HR plans/policy instruments and the performance of the human resource management system as an enabler for core business components/enable executive management to make well-informed decisions
  • Meeting statutory reporting requirements. Manage and direct human resource provisioning practices and the administration of service benefits
  • Manage and direct the administration of recruitment, selection and appointment practices
  • Oversee the administration of lifecycle processes and the administration of employee service benefits; Ensure that HR records (both hard and electronic) comply with National Minimum Information and other systems standards
  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of provisioning and service benefit practices and drive on behalf of the department national alignment processes. Manage and direct human resource and organisational development practices
  • Manage and direct employee development practices including administering and promotion of the PMDS system, development, maintenance and implementation of the departmental Skills Development Plan and provisioning of targeted talent development programmes aligned to the critical institutional competency needs of the department
  • Manage and direct organisational design and development practices ensuring appropriate institutional structures and processes for service delivery including reviewing and timeous alignment of organisational arrangements and architecture against the objectives set in the Strategic and Annual Performance Plan
  • Development and maintain the departmental job design and job description policies and instruments
  • Operationalization of the prescribed job evaluation and grading system in line with system standards; Maintenance of the post establishment structure on PERSAL. Manage the provisioning of employee relations, health and wellness services
  • Manage and direct the development and maintenance of employee engagement systems and procedures with a view to promote sound relationships and to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, ensure fair application of grievance, disciplinary and dispute resolution procedures and represent the department as part of policy development initiative and the development of norms and standards
  • Drive processes to obtain appropriate mandates from executive management for engagements with stakeholders, dispute resolution mechanisms, disciplinary action, etc
  • Analyse developments and trends in the collective bargaining space, alert executive management accordingly and reason departmental intent/response thereto for input purposes
  • Monitor, evaluate and report at a strategic level on the status of employee relations in the department
  • Provide early warning and contingency planning advisory services to executive management
  • Oversee the establishment and maintenance of an integrated employee health and wellness programme for the department
  • Identify and analyse trends in the health and wellness status of employees and alert executive management accordingly
  • Oversee processes for the implementation of occupational health and safety legislations and regulations. Manage the provisioning of security, facilities and office management services: Manage and direct the provisioning of security management services
  • Manage the provisioning of vetting services in line with MISS
  • Manage the provisioning of facilities and office management services. Manage the allocated resources of the Unit in line with legislative and departmental policy directives and comply with corporate governance and planning imperatives: Identify and manage the financial, human and equipment resources of the Programme required to optimally support the implementation of the Unit’s Annual Performance Plan
  • Represent the strategic intent of the Programme as part of internal resource allocation processes
  • Manage and account for the utilisation of the financial resources of the Programme in line with the departmental delegations
  • Monitor, evaluate and account for the effective and efficient utilisation (value for money) of allocated resources
  • Direct, manage and account for the utilisation of the Unit’s human resources
  • Based on operational imperatives re-prioritise the allocation of resources within the Unit
  • Oversee strategic and annual planning processes for the Unit and ensure compliance with the DPE’s Strategic Planning and Performance Review Agenda
  • Direct the utilisation of technology in support of the Unit’s business processes.



  • Mr George Malatsi Tel No: (012) 431-1117
  • Applications for this post to e-mail: recruitgm@dpe.gov.za


(Re-advertisement, applicants who previously applied must re-apply to be considered)



Corporate Services



R1 308 051 per annum (Level 14), all-inclusive salary package), consisting of a Basic salary of 70% and 30% flexible portion that can be structured according to the individual’s personal needs.






Applicants must be in possession of a relevant undergraduate qualification in Financial Management or Accounting (NQF level7) as recognized by SAQA. The incumbent must have at least 5 years’ relevant financial management or accounting experience at SMS level. Knowledge and extensive experience of the Financial Management and Supply Chain Management functions. A track record in preparation and management of strategic plans, business plans and budgeting. Ability to implement internal systems and controls to ensure sound financial management. Broad knowledge of Government development objectives. Proven Leadership and strategic management skills. As well as project management skills. Advanced policy development and analysis skills. High level negotiation skills. Well-developed financial, analytical and problem-solving skills. Good communication skills (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills. Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.



  • Establish and maintain appropriate systems (analytical tools, information systems and models or projections of cost behaviour) and policies to ensure effective and efficient management of financial resources and assets: Develop assessment models to analyse resource allocations to departmental programmes to enable the Accounting Officer to allocate resources in line with the Department’s strategic objectives
  • Provide technical support to enable departmental governance structures to take well-informed decisions on the prioritisation of resource allocations or alignment thereof to support emerging service delivery imperatives
  • Manage and direct the development of resource utilisation policies, norms, standards and delegations
  • Monitor, evaluate and report on the utilisation of financial resources and assets. Strategically support the Head of Department and other senior managers in the execution of their functions in terms of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999, the Treasury Regulations, Treasury Practice Notes and King IV Report: Analyse on a continuous basis the performance of budget programmes and enable Programme Managers and governance structures to implement timeous corrective action where needed
  • At a strategic level manage, the provisioning of effective and efficient management accounting, financial accounting, expenditure management and supply chain management services; Oversee and account for the implementation of national and generally accepted accounting norms and standards for the provisioning of financial management/reporting and supply chain management services
  • Provide high level technical support to executive management during budget hearings; Coordinate departmental processes to report on/account for the financial performance of the Department to Parliament and oversight bodies; Oversee and manage the development and publishing of departmental Financial Statements
  • Liaise on behalf of the department with National Treasury. Formulate creative solutions to enhance cost effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of the services and the administration of the Department: Coordinate and manage departmental processes to identify areas of inefficient and/or wasteful expenditure/utilisation of resources and facilitate strategic decision-making processes to endure corrective action
  • Identify in the context of the departmental operations cost-effective alternative service delivery options. Manage the allocated resources of the Branch in line with legislative and departmental policy directives and comply with corporate governance and planning imperatives: Identify and manage the financial, human and equipment resources of the Programme required to optimally support the implementation of the Branch’s Annual Performance Plan
  • Represent the strategic intent of the Programme as part of internal resource allocation processes.



  • Ms Henriette Strauss Tel No: 012 431 1022
  • Applications for this post to e-mail: recruiths@dpe.gov.za